
Planta solar


Cuenca, España

  • Annual production

    315 GWh

  • Installed power

    150 MW

  • Annual avoided emissions

    116.865 TCO2e


The Belinchón solar photovoltaic plant is located in the province of Cuenca (Barajas de Melo) and consists of 3 plants of 50 MWp: PSF Beliuno, PSF Belidos and PSF Belitres. It has a total surface area of 259 hectares. The goal is to generate clean electricity through a renewable energy source (solar radiation) and the necessary facilities (photovoltaic panels, power lines, among others).

The three plants together will evacuate their energy at the Barajas 132/30 kV SET, to the south of the Beliuno PSF and practically annexed to it, and then conduct it via a high-voltage 132 kV power line 8 kilometres long to the SET Promotora Belinchón 400/132 kV, which in turn will be connected to the SET Belinchón 400 kV, owned by Red Eléctrica de España -REE-.

The project involves the installation of a generating part consisting of 228,330 photovoltaic panels of 650 Wp and an efficiency of 20.7-21%, arranged in solar trackers, and transformation centres that are connected by 30 kV power lines buried in a trench to the elevator substation of the three plants. The PV modules are installed on structures called trackers, which move on a horizontal axis oriented north-south and automatically track the position of the sun in an east-west direction throughout the day, thus maximising the production of the modules at all times. It also has a control system for wind gusts of over 50 km/h, which places the photovoltaic panels in a horizontal position to minimise the stresses caused by excessive wind on the structure.

Structure of the
solar park
of Belinchón

Structure of a solar panel

  1. Mounting
  2. ARC tempered glass
  3. EVA/POE
  4. Photovoltaic cells
  5. EVA/POE
  6. Tempered glass
  7. Connections Box


Grenergy has defined the basic principles and strategic lines that underpin and guide the strategy of social impact in the environment of its projects.

Basic principles and strategy guidelines

Proactive communication

Two-way, frequent and fluid communication with the local community from the early stages as the basis of the strategy for relations with the local community, aimed at creating a social link with the company.

Medium and long-term value creation

The company’s social contribution will seek to improve the well-being of the local community with a medium and long-term perspective, giving priority to those initiatives capable of creating a positive social impact and generating added value in their quality of life.

Strengthening links

The implementation of social initiatives aims to create and strengthen links between the company and the community and is therefore flexible in nature and in tune with the specific needs of each community, identified as a result of fluid and frequent communication with the local community.

Strategic alliances

Social activity is designed and implemented in close collaboration with strong local non-governmental organisations (NGOs) familiar with the local culture and reality.

Ethics and transparency

The social contribution is made in an orderly and transparent manner in accordance with applicable legislation and in compliance with the company’s ethical codes.


The relationship with the local community shall be based on respect for its values and traditions by all employees and collaborators of the company, and shall observe the established internal systems of representation.

Impact monitoring

Appropriate metrics are used to track the impact of the social initiatives implemented, and are reported to stakeholders in the annual sustainability reports and/or on the company’s website.

Linking to priority SDGs

The strategic lines that define the nature of specific social development initiatives are based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals that the company has chosen as a priority, so that the implementation of these initiatives contributes directly to these goals:

Canal de comunicación
  • Proactive communication

    Two-way, frequent and fluid communication with the local community from the early stages as the basis of the strategy for relations with the local community, aimed at creating a social link with the company.

  • Medium and long-term value creation

    The company’s social contribution will seek to improve the well-being of the local community with a medium and long-term perspective, giving priority to those initiatives capable of creating a positive social impact and generating added value in their quality of life.

  • Strengthening links

    The implementation of social initiatives aims to create and strengthen links between the company and the community and is therefore flexible in nature and in tune with the specific needs of each community, identified as a result of fluid and frequent communication with the local community.

  • Strategic alliances

    Social activity is designed and implemented in close collaboration with strong local non-governmental organisations (NGOs) familiar with the local culture and reality.

  • Ethics and transparency

    The social contribution is made in an orderly and transparent manner in accordance with applicable legislation and in compliance with the company’s ethical codes.

  • Respect

    The relationship with the local community shall be based on respect for its values and traditions by all employees and collaborators of the company, and shall observe the established internal systems of representation.

  • Impact monitoring

    Appropriate metrics are used to track the impact of the social initiatives implemented, and are reported to stakeholders in the annual sustainability reports and/or on the company’s website.

  • Linking to priority SDGs

    The strategic lines that define the nature of specific social development initiatives are based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals that the company has chosen as a priority, so that the implementation of these initiatives contributes directly to these goals:

“Las donaciones recibidas nos permitirán seguir realizando nuestro trabajo óptimamente, haciendo frente a esta pandemia. Expreso mi más profundo agradecimiento por la gran generosidad por parte de la empresa hacia nosotros.”

Owen Melin, Hospital Sarmiento

Canal comunicación

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  • En cumplimiento de lo establecido en los artículos 13 y 14 del RGPD (UE) 2016/679, de 27 de abril, y en el artículo 11 de la LOPD 3/2018, de 5 de diciembre, ponemos a disposición del interesado la información adicional referente al tratamiento de sus datos de carácter personal.

    La actividad de tratamiento es CONTACTOS VÍA WEB, cuya ubicación se encuentra en C/ RAFAEL BOTÍ, 26, 3º PLANTA, 28023 MADRID – MADRID. El Responsable del tratamiento es: GRENERGY RENOVABLES S.A, con N.I.F.: A85130821. La finalidad del tratamiento es la gestión de consultas y mensajes recibidas a través de la web. La tipología de los datos del interesado son los siguientes: Nombre y apellidos; Teléfonos; Correo electrónico; Dirección IP de conexión. Se conservarán los datos mientras se resuelva la consulta efectuada.

    No está prevista la realización de perfiles, decisiones automatizadas y/o lógica aplicada. En cuanto a la base jurídica para el tratamiento, es el interés legítimo del responsable. En relación con los destinatarios, el Responsable podrá ceder los datos personales del interesado son: Administración pública con competencia en la materia. No hay previsión de cesiones, salvo obligación legal. Por otro lado, en materia de transferencias internacionales, queda previsto que no se realiza ninguna transferencia internacional de datos de carácter personal.

    En cuanto a los derechos de que dispone el interesado en relación con sus datos, éste puede dirigirse al Responsable, con el fin de ejercer los derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, limitación de su tratamiento, oposición, revocación, a la portabilidad de sus datos, derecho a retirar el consentimiento prestado, ejerciendo sus derechos dirigiéndose al correo electrónico  con el asunto datos personales.

    Igualmente tiene el interesado derecho a reclamar ante la Autoridad de Control en materia de protección de datos, la Agencia Española de Protección de datos (AEPD).

    El Responsable del Tratamiento, en cumplimiento del artículo 37 del RGPD (UE) 2016/679, de 27 de abril, designa como Delegado de Protección de Datos a Shocktech y Protechplus, S.L.U. con número de C.I.F.: B85783777, y con dirección de email

    El interesado podrá acceder a esta información en materia de protección de datos actualizada en todo momento en C/ Rafael Botí 26, 3ª planta, C.P.: 28023 – Madrid (MADRID).